Starch grains on the Luonan handaxe and strategy of ancient humans using stone tools
Received date: 2024-05-27
Online published: 2024-11-28
In this study, we examine the functional attributes of Acheulean tools recovered from Zhanghuokou in the Luonan Basin, Shaanxi, China, through an analysis of plant residues, particularly starch granules. In the Paleolithic era, the handaxe was a ubiquitous implement in daily activities. Despite extensive research on handaxes, their precise functions and applications remain largely unresolved. The Luonan Basin is an essential Paleolithic site where the abundance of archaeological finds offers significant objects for study. This research aims to elucidate the specific utility of these Acheulean tools by employing starch granule analysis techniques, thereby contributing to our understanding of Paleolithic human survival strategies and everyday life.
The study’s objective is to determine the particular functions of Acheulean implements unearthed in Zhanghuokou through starch granule analysis, and to elucidate their roles in the lives of Paleolithic humans. For this research, the process involved sample collection, starch granule extraction, and microscopic observation and identification. Initially, we gathered samples from the tool surfaces at the Zhanghuokou site and chemically extracted the starch granules. Subsequently, through microscopy, the starch granules were categorized and analyzed. The interpretation of these results allows us to deduce the specific applications of handaxes, further elucidating their role in Paleolithic human life.
The study revealed a significant presence of starch particles on the handaxe surfaces, suggesting their potential use in digging activities. This finding contributes novel evidence on how these tools were utilized in daily activities by Paleolithic humans. Moreover, the diverse terrain and abundant faunal and floral resources in the Luonan region likely provided various survival strategies for its inhabitants, influencing both the strategic use and functional diversity of the handaxes. Through starch identification and analysis, we not only gain insights into the dietary habits of early humans but also gather evidence on how ancient populations exploited their local environments and developed adaptive strategies.
Looking to the future, this research will serve as a pivotal reference for understanding the evolution of ancient hominin technological and cultural traditions as well as their environmental adaptation strategies. The integration of starch granule analysis within archaeological research promises to uncover further details regarding ancient human tool function and use. Subsequent studies may expand the scope of starch granule analysis application, integrating it with additional archaeological methods to further investigate ancient human survival strategies, technological practices, and cultural traditions. Moreover, the findings offer historical insights that are relevant to modern human concepts of sustainable resource use, providing valuable reference for current ecological conservation and resource management. It is anticipated that ongoing research and exploration will afford a more comprehensive understanding of human evolutionary processes, thereby furnishing valuable insights for future developments.
Key words: Paleolithic; Handaxe; Ancient human cognition; Ancient starch; Subsistence strategy
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