Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1992, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (01): 20-26.

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The physical characters of the Achang Nationality in Yunnan

Li Ming, Li Yuemin, Cheng Hongzhong, Yu Fachang   

  • Online:1992-03-15 Published:1992-03-15

Abstract: A somatological survey on 260 adults of Achang nationality, including 143 malesand117 females, living in Yunnan was carried out by the acthor in July, 1990. The results were as follows:
Judging from their allnonmetrical data, Achang nationality shows very much typicalfeatures of yellow race. We found that they are very similar in the features of appearence, conn-paring the major mean values of measurements in Achang nationality with those o!Hanand other nationalities living in Yunnan. But Achang nationalityhas the same features as'other minorities living in Yunnan. They have their own features of narrowerhead breadth,face breadth and bigonial breadth with wider mouth breadth than Han nationality.
In view of the cluster graph of kinship matrix for Han nationalityand 10 groups ofother minorities living in Yunnan, the physical anthropological characters of Achang nationa-litp are closer to Lishu, Naxi andJingpo nationality than to other nationalities (see figure1). According to the analysis we consiler that Achangnationalitycan be clasified as theEastern Asian type of Mongoliod. T'hey may have the same ancestry like other minorities liv·ing in Southwest Yunnan.

Key words: Somatoscopy; Anthropometry; Achang nationality; Yunnan Province