Starch grain evidence of utilizing plant in phase II of the Houjiazhai site in Dingyuan County, Anhui Province
Received date: 2018-08-16
Online published: 2020-07-17
The middle Huai River valley in eastern central China is located in a transitional area of geography, climate and culture. During the Neolithic, it was a zone for millet and rice farming but when these agricultural systems got established especially in regions south of the Huai River are still unclear. In this paper, we use starch analysis of 22 pottery fragments unearthed from Phase II of the Houjiazhai site (6.2-5.6 kaBP). Results of this work show evidence for a variety of grains derived from Oryza spp., Triticeae, Coix spp., Setaria italica (L) P. Beauv., Panicum miliaceum L., Quercus spp., Nelumbo spp., as well as tubers and roots on ceramic fragment surfaces. Discovery of rice starches indicates that ancient peoples continued to use Oryza species in this area from the middle to the end of the Neolithic. In contrast, starch grains from foxtail and broomcorn millets are the oldest evidence of dry crops discovered in the middle Huai River valley. These findings mean that food exchange and communication probably existed between the areas of millet farming in the north and regions south of the Huai River as early as 6.2 kaBP and 5.6 kaBP. This paper provides important data on agricultural development and transformation in the middle Huai River valley during the Neolithic, and provides some clues for the spread of rice and millet farming in eastern central China.
Wuhong LUO , Huali XUAN , Ling YAO , Yuzhang YANG , Wenwen YI , Xuhang KAN , Juzhong ZHANG , Aibing ZHANG . Starch grain evidence of utilizing plant in phase II of the Houjiazhai site in Dingyuan County, Anhui Province[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2020 , 39(02) : 292 -305 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0023
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