A study of bird remains from the Houtaomuga site in Da’an, Jilin
Received date: 2018-01-22
Online published: 2020-07-17
A number of bird remains were unearthed from the Houtaomuga site in Da’an City, Jilin Province, Northeast China, during 2011~2015. The long occupation of the site, lasting from the Early Neolithic period to the Liao and Jin Dynasties, has been divided into seven chronological phases.
In this study, a total of 3398 bone fragments of birds were recovered, of which 2711 specimens were identified to taxonomic levels, including 19 species from 11 families and 8 orders. The assemblage is dominated by the remains of Phasianidae, accounting for approximately 77% of the identified specimens. By observing size differences and the presence of a spur on the tarso-metatarsus, we reveal that the specimens of male Phasianidae significantly outnumber their female counterparts.
Considering bird migration, we can divide the bird species from the site into two categories: resident and migratory birds. It is assumed that the site was a seasonal occupied human settlement, and the spring and summer might be the main bird hunting seasons. During the Neolithic Age, the major subsistence strategy at the site was hunting and fishing, while birds appear to have served as a key supplementary food resource for prehistoric residents. The bird species hunted by people varied according to changing seasons and climate patterns through chronological phases. It is noteworthy that in the Han Dynasty, birds became an indispensable burial offering. In addition, bird remains, as a key ecological indicator, may reflect environmental changes occurred at the site.
Key words: Jilin; Houtaomuga site; Neolithic; Historical period; Bird remains
Qiyao LIANG , Quanjia CHEN , Chunxue WANG . A study of bird remains from the Houtaomuga site in Da’an, Jilin[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2020 , 39(01) : 118 -126 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2018.0051
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