Patterns of cranium trauma of ancient pastoralists in Jundushan, Beijing
Received date: 2020-07-01
Revised date: 2020-07-24
Online published: 2020-09-12
Jundushan cemeteries are key sites of Bronze age pastoral Yuhuangmiao culture from Eastern Zhou Period in North China. Cranial traumas of 125 individuals from the cemetery were examined. Males showed a high prevalence rate (13.3%) but no cases of trauma were found in females and non-adults. All of the injuries were ante-mortem blunt force trauma, the prevalence shows no temporal change or hierarchical difference. The cranial trauma of Jundushan was close related to violent conflict, which was a manifestation of increasing competition and instability in Jundushan society, and was related to the fragile ecology as well as interaction with surrounding sendentary agricultural populations.
Key words: Cranial trauma; Jundushan; Paleopathology
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