Application review of the laser scanning confocal microscope in quantitative analysis of microwears
Received date: 2020-04-24
Online published: 2020-11-26
Microwear analysis is a common method for the study of crafts and functions of lithics, bone implements, teeth, etc. However, whether the high-power or low-power technique, it’s difficult to describe in-situ quantitative analysis limited by observation methods such as stereo optical microscope and SEM. So the quantification of microwear analysis is the key problem encountered by the academic circles at present. In recent years, the quantification of microwear analysis has obtained new practice and progress in Western academic with the application of laser scanning confocal(LSC) microscope. This article mainly introduces the principle of LSC microscope and its cases and prospects with new approach in the research of microwear, which expect to promote the further development of microwear analysis in China.
Key words: Microwear; Laser scanning confocal microscope; Roughness; Quantification
Tianxing CUI , Weiwei SONG . Application review of the laser scanning confocal microscope in quantitative analysis of microwears[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2022 , 41(01) : 180 -192 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2020.0068
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