Research Articles

Morphological characteristics of the head and face of Han children in Henan

  • WANG Xu ,
  • WAN Tengshu ,
  • LIU Xuemin ,
  • LI Mengsi ,
  • ZHAI Jiaqi ,
  • ZHAO Chunwang
  • 1. School of Fashion, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou 451191
    2. Research Institute of Textile and Clothing Industries, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 451191
    3. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou 215021

Received date: 2024-02-27

  Revised date: 2024-05-15

  Online published: 2024-10-10


The growth and development rate of children is rapid, and the size of the head and face of children in different regions and ages varies greatly. To provide data reference for the size design of children’s headwear products and improve the fitness of products, 11 cephalic and facial indexes of 337 Han nationality children aged 6-14 in Henan region were measured by manual measurement. SPSS 25.0 statistical software was used to compare and analyze the head and face size data and morphological characteristics of children of different ages, genders and regions, and to explore the method of type division of children’s head and face size. The results showed that 11 measurement indexes such as head breadth, face breadth and nose breadth of children were in line with normal distribution, and most of the measurements were significantly correlated with each other. There were significant differences in some cephalic and facial indexes among children of different ages, genders and regions. Age was positively correlated with the indexes. And the measurement indexes of boys were generally greater than those of girls. Most of the children’s cephalic and facial indexes collected at different periods have significant differences, and the total number of indexes with significant differences in girls is more than that of boys. Among the children aged 6-14, the distribution number of super round head, super wide face and middle nose were the most. Compared with the calculation methods of head and face size of standard body using deviation method, variance method and column method, the column method is the most accurate. This study updates and enriches the head and face database for children in Henan, providing data support for the development of ergonomic children’s head and face products and theoretical reference for human head and face measurement.

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WANG Xu , WAN Tengshu , LIU Xuemin , LI Mengsi , ZHAI Jiaqi , ZHAO Chunwang . Morphological characteristics of the head and face of Han children in Henan[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2024 , 43(05) : 813 -827 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0077


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