Human use of ostrich eggshells at the Yujiagou site, Nihewan Basin
Received date: 2019-04-11
Online published: 2020-07-17
Ostrich eggshells(OES) are the most common avian remains from Paleolithic sites in North China. They were used to manufacture the beads, and also, they were one of the most important dating samples of AMS- 14C technique for Upper Paleolithic sites in North China. However, at present, limited to the sample size and preservation status of OES remains, few studies have be carried out to discuss if ancient humans could consume the ostrich eggs or use relatively complete OES as the container. In this study, we present the AMS- 14C dating results, information of hatching and burnt levels of OES from Layers 3b and 4 of the Yujiagou site, Nihewan Basin. Based on the unhatched burnt OES, which were dated consistently with other animal remains, the strategies of obtaining and processing the ostrich eggs are discussed. It indicates that the human from Yujiagou not only collected the OES fragments to manufacture ornaments, but also gathered the eggs for food and might use the eggshells as heating containers.
Key words: Yujiagou; Ostrich Egg; Hatching; Heating; Consumption
Xiaomin WANG , Huijie MEI , Fei XIE , Xing GAO . Human use of ostrich eggshells at the Yujiagou site, Nihewan Basin[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2020 , 39(02) : 236 -248 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0073
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