Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (05): 712-726.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0079
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
REN Jincheng1,2,3(), LI Feng4,5, CHEN Fuyou2, GAO Xing2,3()
GAO Xing;
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REN Jincheng, LI Feng, CHEN Fuyou, GAO Xing. Core reduction technology of stone artifacts unearthed in 2015 from the Banjingzi site in Nihewan Basin[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2024, 43(05): 712-726.
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类型Type ↓ 大小Size → | 长Length | 宽Width | 厚Thickness | ||||||||
Lmin | Lmax | <L> | Lmin | Lmax | <L> | Lmin | Lmax | <L> | |||
试打片石核Test cores | 32.94 | 134.47 | 68.62 | 18.97 | 102.21 | 51.18 | 13.93 | 79.34 | 34.65 | ||
简单石核Casual cores | 26.63 | 128.38 | 55.08 | 16.64 | 108.23 | 40.53 | 11.71 | 73.63 | 30.02 | ||
局部两面石核Partial bifacial cores | 56.76 | 84.46 | 74.27 | 43.72 | 52.33 | 46.61 | 25.39 | 39.95 | 33.87 | ||
盘状石核Discoid cores | 30.67 | 89.19 | 46.83 | 21.84 | 62.2 | 36.49 | 16.63 | 57.5 | 26.43 | ||
全部石核All cores | 26.63 | 134.47 | 56.55 | 16.64 | 108.23 | 42.27 | 11.71 | 79.34 | 30.7 |
Tab.1 Size distribution of different cores from layer 5 of the Banjingzi site (mm)
类型Type ↓ 大小Size → | 长Length | 宽Width | 厚Thickness | ||||||||
Lmin | Lmax | <L> | Lmin | Lmax | <L> | Lmin | Lmax | <L> | |||
试打片石核Test cores | 32.94 | 134.47 | 68.62 | 18.97 | 102.21 | 51.18 | 13.93 | 79.34 | 34.65 | ||
简单石核Casual cores | 26.63 | 128.38 | 55.08 | 16.64 | 108.23 | 40.53 | 11.71 | 73.63 | 30.02 | ||
局部两面石核Partial bifacial cores | 56.76 | 84.46 | 74.27 | 43.72 | 52.33 | 46.61 | 25.39 | 39.95 | 33.87 | ||
盘状石核Discoid cores | 30.67 | 89.19 | 46.83 | 21.84 | 62.2 | 36.49 | 16.63 | 57.5 | 26.43 | ||
全部石核All cores | 26.63 | 134.47 | 56.55 | 16.64 | 108.23 | 42.27 | 11.71 | 79.34 | 30.7 |
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