Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1988, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (02): 167-176.

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The comparative anatomical research of brain in seven species of nonhuman primates from Yunnan

Zhon Yilou, Yuan Chuanzhao, Ma Yuanyeh   

  • Online:1988-06-15 Published:1988-06-15

Abstract: The comparative anatomical research of the brain of seven species of nonhuman primates(Nycticebus coucang; Macaca mulatta; Macaca assamensis; Macaca arctoides; Macaca nemestrina; Hylobates hoolock and Hylobates concolor) was reported. The results show that from Nycticebus coucang to Hylobates concolor, in the cerebral hemisphere, there are greater changes in the development of the lobus frontalis; temporal lobe than that in the parietalis lobus; lobus occipitalis. In the cerebellun, there are greater changes in cerebellar hemisphere than that in the vermis cerebelli, from Nycticebus coucang to Hylobates concolor, but the brain stem showed no significant change. The development of brain in the primates shows good concordance with the evolution level of these primates.

Key words: Brain; Comparative anatomy; Evolution; Primates