Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1989, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (01): 0-76、106.

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A Quaternary Sporo-pollen analysis of Zengpiyan Cave Site,Guilin

Wang Lijuan   

  • Online:1989-03-15 Published:1989-03-15

Abstract: Zengpiyan Cave, a neolithic site, is situated about 9km south of Guilin city. A great number of pollen grains of ligneous plant, herbal plant and spores of pteridophyta have been found in the cultural bed and the calctufas’ plate. Mainly they are: Pinus, Carya, Quercus, Ulmus, Celtis, Corylopsis, Liquidambar, Euphorbiaceae, Sapium, Alchornea, Myrica, Magnoliaceae, Palmae, Betula, Carpinus, Rutaceae, Rosaceae, Gramineae, Artemisia, Ranunculaceae, Labiatae, Gesneriaceae, Pteris, Polypodiaceae, Adiantaceae, Onychium, and Hicriopteris etc.
The results of sporo-pollen analysis show that the process from accumulating of the cultural bed to forming the calctufas’ plate may be divided by three phases of vegetation. They are rare forest vegetation phase, coniferous-broad leaf mixed forest phase with dominative broad leaf plant and coniferous-broad leaf mixed forest phase with dominative coniferous plant. The climates corresponding to three phases are mild-humid, warm-humid and warm-drier. The geological age of the cultural bed is described as the early Holocene-early middle Holocene, while the age of the calctufas plate is late middle Holocene-late Holocene.

Key words: Zengpiyan; Spore; Pollen; Holocene