Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2005, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (02): 137-144.

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A study of the physical characteristics of the Bouyei Nationality

ZHENG Lianbin, ZHANG Shuli, LU Shunhua, ZHAO Zhou, SUO Liya, YANG Jianhui   

  • Online:2005-06-15 Published:2005-06-15

Abstract: Physical characteristics of 494 Bouyei nationality adults(259 males and 235 females) were investigated. Means and the standard deviations of 58 anthropometric measurements, 31 physical indices and the percentages, and 9 somatoscopic measurements were calculated. Comparisons of the results were made with other nationalities in China. The physical characteristics of the Bouyei nationality show the follow characteristics:
The eye fold of the upper eyelid was common in this group (9514 % in males and 9710 % in females). The Mongoloid fold had a low frequency as it was observable in 3015 % males and 3513 % females. The nasal root height was medium in the most of males and low in females. The nostril height was medium and lobe type was frequently rounded. Hair color was black and eye color was commonly brown. Most males and females had yellow to light yellow skin color. Some common physical types, included brachycephaly, hypsicephaly, tapeinocephalic, euruprosopy, mesorrhiny, a medium length of trunk, and medium chest circumference, a broad shoulder breadth and a broad distance between iliac crests. The average stature was 15816cm for males and 14914cm for females.

Key words: Somatoscopy; Anthropometry; Physical anthropology; Bouyei nationality