Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (02): 304-316.doi: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2017.0081

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Reconstructing the genetic stemma of Sima Guang family

DU Panxin(), WEN Shaoqing, WANG Lingxiang, WEI Lanhai, MENG Hailiang, XIONG Jianxue, BAO Ruoyu, HAN Sheng, LI Hui*()   

  1. MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences and Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433
  • Received:2017-07-24 Revised:2017-09-28 Online:2019-05-15 Published:2020-09-10
  • Contact: LI Hui;


Genetic family trees, especially those of celebrities, have become the research focuses of genetic genealogy in recent years. Among them, the history of Sima Guang’s family tree has lasted for a thousand years with full records, which provides a good case for cross-disciplinary studies. In this study, eleven clans claiming to be descendants of Sima Guang were genotyped for 17 Y chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs). The results indicated that five clans of them showed very close (the maximum number of mutation steps was four) relationships on their STR hyplotypes. Further tests of single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) showed that they all belonged to a downstream haplogroup O1a1a1a1a1a-F492+,F656-. So, we can infer Sima Guang’s paternal lineage was most likely to be that haplogroup. Furthermore, a genealogical tree based on stemmata from these clans was constructed. Then, in order to verify the authenticity of the tree, we calculated the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of these clans hierarchically using BATWING method. And we found the time nodes recorded in the tree were in accordance with the TMRCA. This study offered a successful case of using paternal lineage to collate and reconstruct family pedigree. In addition, this investigation will facilitate studies on Sima Qian and the imperial house of the Western Jin Dynasty

Key words: Sima Guang, Genetic genealogy, Y chromosome, Paternal genetic lineage, SnaPshot

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