Impact of raw material source on the obsidian lithic industry of Northeast China and South Korea
Received date: 2021-04-20
Revised date: 2021-09-01
Online published: 2022-12-19
Using Renfrew’s distance decay model of obsidian exchange and evidence of Upper Paleolithic obsidian artifacts and sources in northeastern China and South Korea, an obsidian raw material supply zone (r=150~200 km) and a direct supply zone (r>200 km) were identified within crater Lake Tianchi, which represents a radiation core for both northeastern China and Korean Peninsula. Comparative statistical analysis of the distribution and artifacts of this region indicated the following results. 1) The number of obsidian artifacts and artifact types are higher in northwestern Chinese Upper Paleolithic sites; and 2) obsidian microblade core reduction is more intense with the size of complete flakes generally smaller in typical South Korean Upper Paleolithic sites. We argue that significant differences of obsidian distribution and usage between the two regions reflects availability and size of obsidian raw materials, associated to the distance from source localities in the Changbai Mountains.
Key words: lithics; obsidian; raw materials; Late Paleolithic; Northeast China; Korea
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