A preliminary analysis of the stone artifacts from the 2014~2015 excavation of Shuidonggou Locality 2, Ningxia Autonomous Region
Received date: 2017-02-21
Online published: 2020-07-17
The excavation of Shuidonggou Locality 2 in 2014~2015 was focused on uncovering an area (T3) north of the units (T1 & T2) excavated previously in 2003~2007. The area exposed in T3 was approximately 80 m 2 in surface area and about 8 m in depth. A total of six cultural layers (CLs) were identified from the stratigraphic sequence; all of the layers correspond to those in T1 and T2, except for CL4 which is present in the previously excavated units but absent in T3. This paper reports on the analysis of 2723 lithic artifacts unearthed from the renewed excavation at T3. By analyzing the lithic raw material and the technology/typology of the stone artifacts among the cultural layers, we characterize diachronic shifts in lithic production strategy at SDG2. Results of this study provide additional evidence for understanding the behavior and adaptation of past human groups at Shuidonggou Locality 2.
Peiqi ZHANG , Xiaoling ZHANG , LIN Sam , Jialong GUO , Huimin WANG , ZWYNS Nicolas , Fei PENG , Xing GAO . A preliminary analysis of the stone artifacts from the 2014~2015 excavation of Shuidonggou Locality 2, Ningxia Autonomous Region[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2020 , 39(01) : 30 -41 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0031
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