Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 199-213.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0016
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LIAO Wei. Progress in the study of fossil orangutans in South China[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2024, 43(02): 199-213.
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Fig.2 Comparison of mandibular incisors of P. weidenreichi and P. devosi The cingulum development of the mandibular incisor of P. weidenreichi and P. devosi varies considerably, with P. weidenreichi being either undeveloped or weakly developed, while the P. devosi is developed very well
Fig.3 Dental size (R value) distribution of the orangutan assemblage in Southeast Asia during the Pleistocene period TPP represents the Tham Prakai Phet site in Thailand. The distribution of R-values in the figure is shifted to the right to represent a larger overall size of orangutan teeth fossils at the site, while the distribution of R-values is shifted to the left to represent a smaller overall size of orangutan teeth fossils at the site
Fig.4 Comparisons of the dental size distribution of the orangutan assemblage and δ13Cdiet data in mainland Southeast Asia from different periods of the Pleistocene The size distribution of orangutan teeth fossils (black rectangles) shifted to the right in the figure represents large orangutan teeth fossils, while the size distribution of orangutan teeth fossils shifted to the left represents small orangutan teeth fossils. Carbon isotope distribution (grey rectangles) shifted to the right in the figure represents open savannah environments (dominated by C4 vegetation), while carbon isotope distribution shifted to the left represents dense forest environments
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