Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (06): 1108-1120.doi: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2020.0073
• Literature Reviews • Previous Articles
CHEN Guanhan1,2,3(), ZHOU Xinying1,2,3, SHEN Hui1,2,3, Khasannov Mutalibjon4, MA Jian5, REN Meng5, Annaev Tukhtash6, WANG Jianxin5, LI Xiaoqiang1,2,3(
LI Xiaoqiang;
CLC Number:
CHEN Guanhan, ZHOU Xinying, SHEN Hui, Khasannov Mutalibjon, MA Jian, REN Meng, Annaev Tukhtash, WANG Jianxin, LI Xiaoqiang. Evolution of oasis agriculture and civilization exchange since the Bronze age in Transoxiana, Central Asia[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2021, 40(06): 1108-1120.
Fig.1 Research area including archaeological site names and locations 1. Sapalli site; 2. Djarkutan site; 3. Molali site; 4. Khalchayan site; 5. Bandykhan tepe site; 6. Kyzyl tepe site; 7. Kampyr tepe site; 8. Taletagola site
实验室编号 Lab No. | 遗址Site | 类型Type | 年代Age (BP) | σ | 矫正年代Age calibrated (BP cal) | 文化时期Cultural period |
Beta-515840 | Taletagola | 小麦 | 1670±30 | 2 | 1629-1522 | 萨珊波斯 |
Beta-515841 | Taletagola | 小麦 | 1650±30 | 2 | 1620-1517 | 萨珊波斯 |
Beta-515839 | Kyzyl tepe | 小麦 | 2480±30 | 2 | 2723-2431 | 阿契美尼德波斯 |
Beta-515838 | Khalchayan | 田紫草 | 2900±40 | 2 | 3164-2925 | 铁器时代 |
Beta-530014 | Khalchayan | 水稻 | 1740±30 | 2 | 1714-1756 | 贵霜 |
Beta-533104 | Khalchayan | 小麦 | 1690±30 | 2 | 1714-1756 | 贵霜 |
Beta-462797 | Molali | 小麦 | 3180±30 | 2 | 3457-3357 | 青铜时代晚期 |
Beta-519876 | Djarkutan | 碳屑 | 3700±30 | 2 | 4100-3966 | 青铜时代晚期 |
Tab.1 AMS14C dating results from archaeological sites in Transoxiana
实验室编号 Lab No. | 遗址Site | 类型Type | 年代Age (BP) | σ | 矫正年代Age calibrated (BP cal) | 文化时期Cultural period |
Beta-515840 | Taletagola | 小麦 | 1670±30 | 2 | 1629-1522 | 萨珊波斯 |
Beta-515841 | Taletagola | 小麦 | 1650±30 | 2 | 1620-1517 | 萨珊波斯 |
Beta-515839 | Kyzyl tepe | 小麦 | 2480±30 | 2 | 2723-2431 | 阿契美尼德波斯 |
Beta-515838 | Khalchayan | 田紫草 | 2900±40 | 2 | 3164-2925 | 铁器时代 |
Beta-530014 | Khalchayan | 水稻 | 1740±30 | 2 | 1714-1756 | 贵霜 |
Beta-533104 | Khalchayan | 小麦 | 1690±30 | 2 | 1714-1756 | 贵霜 |
Beta-462797 | Molali | 小麦 | 3180±30 | 2 | 3457-3357 | 青铜时代晚期 |
Beta-519876 | Djarkutan | 碳屑 | 3700±30 | 2 | 4100-3966 | 青铜时代晚期 |
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