收稿日期: 2018-09-20
修回日期: 2018-11-12
网络出版日期: 2020-09-11
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)(XDB26000000);国家自然科学基金项目(41872029);国家自然科学基金项目(41372032);John Templeton Foundation through a grant to the Stone Age Institute
A general study review of site formation processes for Paleolithic open-air sites
Received date: 2018-09-20
Revised date: 2018-11-12
Online published: 2020-09-11
遗址形成过程(或成因)研究是以地质考古学的研究手段为出发点,解读古人类遗址的形成和埋藏过程,其研究结果对正确解读遗址完整性和早期人类生存行为具有重要意义。该研究方向在中国尚未引起足够重视,这在一定程度上降低了我国古人类学和旧石器时代考古学学术研究的国际影响力。鉴于旷野遗址在保存早期人类化石及遗物方面的特殊地位,本文以地质考古学为出发点,系统分析有关旷野遗址形成过程研究所涉及的科学问题,对Glynn Isaac在东非创立的一套系统解读旷野遗址形成过程研究所涉及的指标进行梳理。此外,作者以古人类活动遗物的埋藏和空间分布特征为切入点,详细介绍目前从事旷野遗址成因研究所涉及的关键指标及学术意义,并对中国境内有关遗址成因研究以及旷野遗址形成过程研究的历史与现状进行讨论。
裴树文 . 旧石器时代旷野遗址形成过程研究综述[J]. 人类学学报, 2019 , 38(01) : 1 -18 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0010
The study of site formation processes is an important field of research in archaeological geology or geoarchaeology, which enables to explore the formation and depositional processes of early human sites. Understanding of formation processes bears great significance on the interpretation of site integrity and early human adaptive behavior. However, new developments on the study of site formation processes have not received enough attention in paleoanthropological research in China. To a certain extent, this shortcoming has reduced the impact of Chinese paleoanthropological and paleolithic research in the international area. Considering the special relevance of open-air sites in preserving early human fossils and archaeological remains, this paper aims to highlight the importance of geoarchaeology as starting point in any archaeological research, and presents a state of the art on the research in open-air site formation processes. Concepts and models developed by Glynn Isaac to classify eastern African assemblages are discussed. After evaluating the taphonomic proxies and spatial patterns as foundations for research in site formation processes, the key features of assemblages (i.e. edge damage, technological composition, artifact size distribution, refitted data, artifact density, cluster analysis, digital elevation model, fabric analysis, etc.) retrieved during archaeological research, as well as their scientific significance, are discussed in this paper. Alongside, a review and discussion of the history and current status of the studies of site formation processes in Chinese paleoanthropological research are also proposed by the author in the current paper.
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