收稿日期: 2020-10-27
修回日期: 2020-12-22
网络出版日期: 2021-06-24
国家重点研发计划(2020YFC1521500);中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类: XDB26000000);国家自然科学基金(41572003)
Chronological significance of the mammalian fauna from the Early Pleistocene Shanshenmiaozui site in Nihewan Basin, northern China
Received date: 2020-10-27
Revised date: 2020-12-22
Online published: 2021-06-24
狭义(或经典)泥河湾动物群主要产自桑干河北岸的下沙沟村周边,化石来源于不同地点;该动物群被作为我国北方早更新世的代表,但其绝对年代一直饱受争议,最新古地磁测年数据是2.2-1.7 MaBP。由于受河流及断层切割影响,泥河湾盆地内部不同区域尤其是桑干河两岸的地层对比,一直是个科学难题,其根本原因在于长期以来在桑干河南岸未发现重要化石点。最近,在桑干河南岸的岑家湾台地发现了山神庙咀化石点,目前已在此地点做过9次正规发掘,出土哺乳动物化石1526件,鉴定出25个种(含未定种),其中23种属于狭义泥河湾动物群的成员。由此看出,山神庙咀动物群的时代应当与狭义泥河湾动物群的时代接近,其地质年代应当不晚于1.7 MaBP。山神庙咀遗址与小长梁遗址隔沟相望,但其化石层稍高于小长梁文化层;山神庙咀动物群的研究结果还表明,小长梁遗址年代要比先前所测得的1.36 MaBP要早;小长梁周边的史前遗址的地质年代应当再做深入研究。小长梁地区的泥河湾层底部普遍存在砾石层,但其出现的水平位置以及砾石在分选和磨圆程度等方面都各不相同。调查清楚不同剖面中底砾层的分布状况及其性质,将会对本地区地层对比研究以及推断当时泥河湾盆地的古环境都将具有十分重要意义。
同号文 , 张贝 , 陈曦 , 王晓敏 , 孙吉嘉 . 泥河湾盆地早更新世山神庙咀遗址动物群及其时代意义[J]. 人类学学报, 2021 , 40(03) : 469 -489 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0026
The fossils of the Nihewan (Nihowan) Fauna (senso stricto) or the Classic Nihewan Fauna derived from diversified sites around the Xiashagou Village located at the northern bank of the Sangganhe (Sangkanho) River. The Nihewan Fauna has been regarded as the type fauna of the Early Pleistocene epoch in northern China, whereas its approximate numerical age has been unresolved for quite a long time; the updated paleomagnetic age is 2.2-1.7 MaBP. Because of the cuts by river and tectonic faults, the stratigraphical correlations among different areas inside the Nihewan Basin remained difficult in the past, which can be definitely attributed to the insufficient fossil discoveries on the southern bank of the river. It’s lucky enough that during the past decade, a new site named Shanshenmiaozui (SSMZ) was recovered and excavated at the edge of the Cenjiawan Platform at the southern bank of the Sangganhe River; totally 9 excavations were conducted at the site, which resulted in the finding of 1526 pieces of mammalian fossils belonging to 25 species (including undetermined species) and 23 of which are the common members of the Nihewan Fauna. Therefore, the Shanshenmiaozui Fauna should share the same age with the Nihewan Fauna, i.e. earlier than 1.7 MaBP. The fossiliferous layer of SSMZ site is slightly higher than the cultural layer at the neighboring Xiaochangliang (XCL) Site, and the result of stratigraphical correlation shows that the Xiaochangliang Site should be older than 1.36 MaBP as currently thought; furthermore, the ages of other sites in the adjacent area also should be reconsidered. In the area around Xiaochangliang site, basal gravels are frequently appearing, but their vertical positions in the strata and the degrees of sorting and rounding are variable; the present authors think the basal gravels are important evidences for site correlations and crucial for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.
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