

  • 刘柯雨 ,
  • 孙周勇 ,
  • 孙战伟 ,
  • 邵晶 ,
  • 陈靓 ,
  • 凌雪
  • 1.西北大学文化遗产学院,西安710069
刘柯雨,博士研究生,陕西韩城人,主要从事科技考古研究。Email: 826225810@qq.com

收稿日期: 2020-07-10

  修回日期: 2021-02-18

  网络出版日期: 2022-06-16



Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope of human bones from the Zhaitouhe and the Shijiahe cemeteries in Huangling

  • Keyu LIU ,
  • Zhouyong SUN ,
  • Zhanwei SUN ,
  • Jing SHAO ,
  • Liang CHEN ,
  • Xue LING
  • 1. School of cultural heritage, northwest university, Xi’an 710069
    2. Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Xi’an 710043

Received date: 2020-07-10

  Revised date: 2021-02-18

  Online published: 2022-06-16




刘柯雨 , 孙周勇 , 孙战伟 , 邵晶 , 陈靓 , 凌雪 . 黄陵寨头河与史家河墓地人骨的碳氮稳定同位素[J]. 人类学学报, 2022 , 41(03) : 419 -428 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0041


The culture of Rong people embedded in ancient diverse Chinese history. However, little literature contexts and discoveries have been found to study their subsistence patterns. The archaeological excavations of the Rong people’s cemeteries in the Zhaitouhe and the Shijiahe in Huangling, Yan’an, Shaanxi Province, provided significant archaeological evidence for understanding the social life of the Rong people in Guanzhong region. This study is carried out by human bones unearthed from burials to discuss the diet pattern of the ancient residents which reveals the economic pattern. The carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analyses indicates that the food habits of people from Shijiahe and Zhaitouhe are similar. The plant foods consist of C4 herbaceous plants which mainly comprised broomcorn and foxtail millet. Two samples of individuals were mainly fed on meat food, while the others consumed less meat resources. And there is no gender difference on diet pattern. The diet pattern of the Qin people was similar to those ancestors in the early and middle period in the Shijiahe cemetery. The present archaeological discoveries and cultural contexts show that ancestors of the Zhaitouhe and Shijiahe cemeteries formed an economic pattern of the mixture by agriculture and rearing livestock by assimilating the agricultural culture of Guanzhong region based on the local natural environment.


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