收稿日期: 2021-08-30
修回日期: 2022-01-06
网络出版日期: 2023-04-03
Skeletal injury and osteoarthritis of the foot-binding females from the Xifengbu cemetery of Qing dynasty in Hongtong, Shanxi
Received date: 2021-08-30
Revised date: 2022-01-06
Online published: 2023-04-03
女性缠足是山西洪洞西冯堡墓地埋葬人群中一处值得关注的文化现象,相关人骨遗存为研究山西地区明清时期的缠足习俗提供了珍贵的考古资料。本文主要对山西洪洞西冯堡清代墓地出土的93例女性人骨标本中与缠足行为关系较为密切的骨骼损伤和关节疾病现象进行统计与分析,以窥探缠足与未缠足女性的健康状况。统计结果显示: 1)在膝关节和足部骨关节上,缠足女性有更高的骨性关节炎发生率;2)在肘关节和左侧腕关节的患病程度上,缠足女性与未缠足女性群体基本相当;在右侧和双侧腕关节以及手部关节的患病等级上,缠足女性略大于未缠足女性;3)西冯堡墓地各椎段椎体周缘骨赘患病率上,缠足女性均高于未缠足女性,颈椎和腰椎是所有女性患病最严重的部位;4)两个群体的骨骼损伤和骨性关节炎的患病率和患病程度均未表现出显著差异,这可能是与下层平民家庭对女性经济价值追求的背景下缠足与未缠足女性均需承担体力劳动有关。
孙晓璠 , 张全超 , 牟萍媛 , 杨及耘 , 曹俊 . 山西洪洞西冯堡清代墓地缠足女性的骨骼损伤和关节疾病[J]. 人类学学报, 2023 , 42(02) : 201 -213 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2022.0063
The Xifengbu cemetery, located in Xifengbu village of Hongtong County, Shanxi Province, is the first large-scale scientific archaeological excavation of this era in Shanxi Province. It provides precious archaeological materials for the study of burial customs and social development in the Ming and Qing dynasties, promoted the research on Ming and Qing archaeology to a certain extent. Foot-binding of female is the most noticeable cultural phenomenon among the burial populations in the cemetery. This paper started with the health status of females with and without foot-binding, and described the incidence of skeletal injury and osteoarthritis in a sample of 93 individuals unearthed from the Xifengbu cemetery of Qing Dynasty. The result shows that: 1) foot-binding females had a higher prevalence rate of foot osteoarthritis than females without foot-binding, which is closely related to the physiological structure changes of female feet caused by foot-binding custom; 2) The severity of elbow, and left wrist osteoarthritis in females with foot-binding was basically the same as that in females who were free of foot-binding, while the severity of right and bilateral wrist, and hand joint osteoarthritis was slightly higher than that in non-foot-binding females; 3) The prevalence of marginal osteophyte in all vertebral segments in foot-binding females was higher than that in females without foot-binding, and cervical vertebra and lumbar vertebra were the most seriously affected parts in all female residents; 4) There were no significant differences in the prevalence and severity of skeletal injury and osteoarthritis between the two groups, which may be related to the fact that both females with and without foot-binding were required to undertake physical labor against the background that the lower-class families pursued females’ economic value in the Chinese premodern male-dominant feudal society. The development and prosperity of sedentary production activities that did not rely on lower limb movements in the Ming and Qing Dynasties created more labor opportunities for females who suffered from this infamous custom. At the same time, foot-binding female in lower-class civilian families would also try their best to do some hard physical labor in the fields, which reduced the difference in the degree of skeletal injury and joint disease between them and normal females. The preliminary study on skeletal injury and osteoarthritis of female residfents in Xifengbu cemetery not only shed light on how this gender-biased custom might have compromised the health and quality of life for females in pre-modern societies, but also gave us a window into the miserable life of lower-class females in feudal families.
Key words: Homo sapiens sapiens; Xifengbu; cemetery; foot-binding; osteoarthritis
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