收稿日期: 2022-10-28
修回日期: 2022-12-20
网络出版日期: 2023-08-10
Morphological variation in the circum-nasal region of modern human
Received date: 2022-10-28
Revised date: 2022-12-20
Online published: 2023-08-10
位于颅骨颜面中部的梨状孔及周围区域的形态在古人类及现代人群呈现不同的表现并与气候环境密切相关,一直受到人类演化及生物人类学研究的关注。本文对欧洲裔美国白人、非洲人、亚洲地区中国华北人 154 例头骨标本的梨状孔区域形态特征进行观测和分析,结果显示这一区域形态具有明显的人群特点及人群之间的差异。非洲人群具有低矮宽阔的梨状孔、圆钝的梨状孔边缘、欠发达的鼻前棘、明显的鼻下窝;美国白人梨状孔高而狭窄、边缘锐利、鼻前棘发达、鼻下窝微弱甚至缺如。这些特征在华北人群的表现介于美国白人和非洲人之间,但与美国白人更为接近。以往研究发现,近万年来中国不同地区人群梨状孔形态呈现时代变化与人群之间的差异,尤其是新石器时代黄河中游地区人群具有宽阔的梨状孔。然而由于缺乏系统全面的数据采集和分析,梨状孔区域形态与变异在整个中国地区人群表现规律仍不清楚。未来对不同中国人群梨状孔区域形态特征数据的采集和分析将为研究东亚大陆现代人群形成与分化提供重要基础数据。
刘武 , 何嘉宁 , 严毅 , 张梓梁 , 陈逸迎 , 吴秀杰 . 现代人群颅骨梨状孔区域的形态变异[J]. 人类学学报, 2023 , 42(04) : 445 -457 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2023.0029
Morphologies of the circum-nasal region in modern human populations exhibit different patterns and are closely related to climate and environment. However, the full scope of morphological variation is unclear, especially given the lack of well-defined standards, including homologous landmarks for morphological data collection and analysis of this region. In this study, 154 crania of Caucasian, African and North Chinese populations were observed and measured. Results revealed pronounced population-specific patterns in morphologies of the circum-nasal region. The African population was characterized by a low and broad piriform aperture with a blunt margin, weak anterior nasal spine, and a pronounced sub-nasal fossa. In contrast, the nasal region of the Caucasian population was characterized by a high and narrow piriform aperture with a sharp margin, a well-developed anterior nasal spine, and a weak or absent sub-nasal fossa. The pattern characterizing the North Chinese population was intermediate between the Caucasian and African populations, but more closely resembled the Caucasian in trait-by-trait expressions.
Previous studies have found that piriform aperture morphology in various modern human populations from the past 10,000 years exhibits chronological changes and inter-population differences. For example, it is noteworthy that Neolithic populations from the middle Yellow River regions exhibit a broad piriform aperture. Due to the lack of comprehensive information during data collection and analysis, many aspects of the morphological pattern and extent of variation in the circum-nasal region from present-day Chinese are still not clear.
Future investigation of the morphological patterns characterizing the circum-nasal region of Holocene populations found in China will provide essential context for understanding the formation and diversification of modern human populations in East Asia.
Key words: Piriform aperture; Alveolar; Nasal cavity; Morphology
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