收稿日期: 2023-10-08
修回日期: 2024-03-25
网络出版日期: 2024-08-13
Physical characteristics of the Manmi people in China
Received date: 2023-10-08
Revised date: 2024-03-25
Online published: 2024-08-13
张兴华 , 肖瑶 , 岩坎翁 , 玉应香 , 高雯芳 , 包金萍 , 程智 , 高新颖 , 姚玥彤 , 刘鑫 , 宇克莉 . 中国曼咪人的体质特征[J]. 人类学学报, 2024 , 43(04) : 561 -573 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0051
A survey was conducted on 61 physical parameters, 20 body indices and 13 somatoscopic characteristics of 121 Manmi adults (53 males and 68 females) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. The results are as follows: The gender differences are statistically significant in 56 physical parameters such as stature, mass and head length. Except for the fact that the thigh circumference is greater in females than in males, the remaining 55 physical parameters are all greater in males than in females. There are statistically significant gender differences in the thickness of lips, opening height of eyeslits, nasal root height, nasal profile and hair occurrence rate of Manmi. Manmi mainly have lissotrichous, with 94.3% of males and 85.3% of females having eyefold of upper eyelid. Male mongoloid folds account for 28.3%, while female mongoloid folds account for 33.8%. The opening height of eyeslits is mainly medium, with the external angle of the eye being mostly higher than the internal angle. The nasal root height is mainly medium, and when the nasal profile is mainly straight. The nasal base is mostly upturned, and the maximal diameter of nostrils is mainly oblique.===The lobe types are mostly round, the chin is mostly straight, and the upper lip height is mainly medium. The physiognomic facial index, morphological facial index, transverse cephalo-fcaial index, vertical cephalo-fcaial index, manouvrier's skelic index and stature-shoulder breadth index of Manmi have statistically significant differences between genders, with male index values higher than females. The length-height index of head, stature-sitting height index, stature-crista iliaca index, stature-height of suprasteral notch above sitting plane index and acromio-cristal index of Manmi also have statistically significant differences between genders, with male index values being lower than females. According to the occurrence rate of index classification, Manmi adults have brachycephaly, hypsicephalic, hypereuryprosopy, mesorrhiny, wide chest, wide shoulder and wide crista iliaca. Compared with domestic ethnic groups, the Manmi physical characteristics are similar to those of the Blang and Jino, and belong to the physical characteristics of southern ethnic groups. The stature, sitting height, crista iliaca breadth, head breadth and morphological facial height of Manmi are relatively small, while the nose breadth, mouth breadth, lip height and nasal height are all relatively large. Compared with foreign ethnic groups, the male head and facial features of Manmi are closest to those of Thai people, while the female head and facial features of Manmi are closest to those of Vietnamese. The physical characteristics of Manmi are related to genetic factors, environmental factors and economic conditions.
Key words: Manmi; Anthropometry; Head and face; Physical characteristic; Cluster analysis
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