
  • 王伟
  • 山东大学文化遗产研究院,青岛 266237
王伟,教授,主要从事古人类学和旧石器考古学研究。E-mail: wangw@sdu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2024-05-06

  修回日期: 2024-07-17

  网络出版日期: 2024-11-28



Modern human fossils and their ages in southern China

  • WANG Wei
  • Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237

Received date: 2024-05-06

  Revised date: 2024-07-17

  Online published: 2024-11-28


近年来,东亚现代人起源和演化是国内外古人类学、旧石器考古学和分子遗传学讨论的热点。来自化石的证据显示,MIS 5阶段是华南早期现代人出现和演化的重要时期,在此区域现代人最早出现的时间可以追溯到晚更新世初期,即距今约120 ka。值得注意的是,目前在东亚地区超过50 ka的具有现代人解剖学特征的化石证据均来自华南地区,这些材料为探索东亚现代人的起源提供了关键线索,同时也提出一系列科学问题。首先,有关华南早期现代人化石地点的地层年代还存在不少争论;其次,晚期现代人化石大多出现在距今40 ka之后,距今80~40 ka的化石证据缺乏;再次,华南绝大部分现代人的体质特征和遗传学特点还鲜为人知。本文系统梳理华南地区半个多世纪以来发现的现代人化石地点,参考与人类化石共生动物群组合的性质和测年结果,阶段性地建立了一个华南现代人生存的初步时间框架。


王伟 . 华南地区现代人化石及其时代[J]. 人类学学报, 2024 , 43(06) : 934 -950 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0091


In recent years, the origin and evolution of modern humans in East Asia has been a hot topic in paleoanthropology, Paleolithic Archaeology and molecular genetics communities. Evidence from fossils suggests that the MIS 5 stage was an important period in the emergence and evolution of early modern humans in South China, with the earliest appearance of modern humans in this region being traced back to the early Late Pleistocene, roughly around 120,000 years ago. It is noteworthy that fossil evidence of anatomically modern humans currently over 50,000 years old in East Asia all come from South China poviding key clues for exploring the origin of modern humans in East Asia, which raises some scientific questions. First, there are still debates about the stratigraphic age of the early modern human fossil sites in South China; second, most late modern humans appeared after 40,000 BP, and there is a lack of fossil evidence from 80,000 BP to 40,000 BP; and third, little is known about physical features and genetic characteristics of most of the modern humans in South China.

In this paper, the author systematically sorts out the Homo sapiens fossils found from South China over half a century and referring faunal assemblages coeval with those human fossils, in order to establish a preliminary spatial and temporal framework for the survival of modern humans in the region. More human fossil sites, more detailed stratigraphic/chronometric studies in the late Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene in South China, paying more attention to the Paleolithic archaeological evidence, engaging in paleoenvironmental reconstruction, and using the molecular paleontology to explore the genetic structure of these early populations would be a significant contributions to further information on this time period in South China.


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