人类学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 298-313.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0018cstr: 32091.14.j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0018
艾兰1,2(), 田淳3, 李大伟4, 李金燕5, 王伟3(
王伟,教授,主要从事旧石器考古研究。E-mail: 作者简介:
艾兰,博士研究生,副研究馆员,主要从事考古与博物馆学研究。E-mail: 149059519@qq.com
AI Lan1,2(), TIAN Chun3, LI Dawei4, LI Jinyan5, WANG Wei3(
定模遗址位于广西百色田东县布兵盆地内。2010-2011年间,广西民族博物馆和田东县博物馆对定模遗址进行了试掘,面积32 m2,出土了2108件石制品和少量动物化石。石制品类型包括石核、石器、石片、断块、碎片、未经加工的砾石等。石器以打制石器为主,磨制石器较少;类型多样,以砍砸器、刮削器为主,另有少量锯齿刃器、凹缺器等。原料主要来自附近的右江河滩,岩性以砂岩为主。石核剥片以锤击法为主,石器毛坯以砾石和石片为主。经过14C 测年分析,该遗址的距今年代为1.6~0.5万年。定模遗址的试掘为探索百色地区晚更新世末期至全新世初期石器文化面貌提供了新的材料,对于探讨华南及东南亚地区晚更新世石器技术演化提供了新的参考。
艾兰, 田淳, 李大伟, 李金燕, 王伟. 广西田东定模遗址发掘简报[J]. 人类学学报, 2024, 43(02): 298-313.
AI Lan, TIAN Chun, LI Dawei, LI Jinyan, WANG Wei. An excavation report of the Dingmo site in Tiandong of Guangxi[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2024, 43(02): 298-313.
图1 布兵盆地第四纪地质图和石器及化石地点分布图 石器地点Paleolithic site: 1.中山岩厦Zhongshan Rockshelter;2.百利Baili;3.瀑布Pubu;4.开口Kaikou;5.敢下Ganxia;6.凹岭坡Aolingpo;7.感怀Ganhuai;8.新立北坡Xinlibeipo;9.新立坡顶Xinlipoding;10.新立Xinli。洞穴遗址Cave site: 11.狮子洞Shizi Cave;12.陆那洞Luna Cave;13.村空洞Cunkong Cave;14.瀑布洞Pubu Cave;15.么会洞Mehui Cave;16.中山洞Zhongshan Cave;17.吹风洞Chuifeng Cave;18.雾云洞Wuyun Cave;19.宝来洞Baolai Cave;20.感仙洞Ganxian Cave;21.定雾洞Dingwu Cave
Fig.1 Distribution of Quaternary sediments, Paleolithic site and fossil locations in the Bubing Basin
图2 定模遗址及试掘区 a.定模山及遗址位置Location of the Dingmo site;b.遗址及试掘区Test-excavation area;c.探沟test trench;d.探方the test excavation pit
Fig.2 The Dingmo site and the test-excavation area
序号No. | 实验室编号Lab No. | 深度Depth(cm) | 测年结果Dating result(BP) | 校正年龄Age calibrated (95.4%)(BP) |
1 | XA7219 | 60 | 4177±28 | 4734±76 |
2 | XA7250 | 120 | 5356±38 | 6136±83 |
3 | XA7233 | 125 | 5744±25 | 6556±48 |
4 | XA7222 | 160 | 7052±31 | 7898±34 |
5 | DM-135 | 135 | 12100±70 | 13960±164 |
6 | DM-155 | 155 | 13750±100 | 16672±317 |
表1 定模遗址炭屑样品的AMS-14C测年结果
Tab.1 AMS 14C dating results of the charcoal samples from the Dingmo site
序号No. | 实验室编号Lab No. | 深度Depth(cm) | 测年结果Dating result(BP) | 校正年龄Age calibrated (95.4%)(BP) |
1 | XA7219 | 60 | 4177±28 | 4734±76 |
2 | XA7250 | 120 | 5356±38 | 6136±83 |
3 | XA7233 | 125 | 5744±25 | 6556±48 |
4 | XA7222 | 160 | 7052±31 | 7898±34 |
5 | DM-135 | 135 | 12100±70 | 13960±164 |
6 | DM-155 | 155 | 13750±100 | 16672±317 |
类型Type 层位Layer | 备料 Manuport | 石锤Stone hammer | 石核Core | 石片Flake | 打制石器Chipped stone tools | 磨制石器Ground stone tools | 断块和碎片Chunk/Debitage | 合计Total | |||||||||||||||
n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | ||||||||
地表Surface | 0 | 0 | 0 | 149 | 26.5% | 6 | 1.1% | 5 | 0.9% | 402 | 71.5% | 562 | 26.7% | ||||||||||
L2 | 3 | 0.6% | 2 | 0.4% | 24 | 4.9% | 159 | 32.7% | 72 | 14.8% | 9 | 1.9% | 217 | 44.7% | 486 | 23.0% | |||||||
L3 | 13 | 1.2% | 9 | 0.8% | 59 | 5.6% | 391 | 36.9% | 197 | 18.6% | 19 | 1.8% | 372 | 35.1% | 1060 | 50.3% | |||||||
合计Total | 16 | 11 | 83 | 699 | 275 | 33 | 991 | 2108 | 100% |
表2 定模遗址石器分类统计表
Tab. 2 Classification of stone artifacts in the Dingmo site (n, %)
类型Type 层位Layer | 备料 Manuport | 石锤Stone hammer | 石核Core | 石片Flake | 打制石器Chipped stone tools | 磨制石器Ground stone tools | 断块和碎片Chunk/Debitage | 合计Total | |||||||||||||||
n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | ||||||||
地表Surface | 0 | 0 | 0 | 149 | 26.5% | 6 | 1.1% | 5 | 0.9% | 402 | 71.5% | 562 | 26.7% | ||||||||||
L2 | 3 | 0.6% | 2 | 0.4% | 24 | 4.9% | 159 | 32.7% | 72 | 14.8% | 9 | 1.9% | 217 | 44.7% | 486 | 23.0% | |||||||
L3 | 13 | 1.2% | 9 | 0.8% | 59 | 5.6% | 391 | 36.9% | 197 | 18.6% | 19 | 1.8% | 372 | 35.1% | 1060 | 50.3% | |||||||
合计Total | 16 | 11 | 83 | 699 | 275 | 33 | 991 | 2108 | 100% |
图4 定模遗址出土磨制工具、石锤 1. 11TBDT1(3):1071, 研磨器grinders; 2.11TBDT1(3):1410, 研磨器grinders; 3. 11TBDT1(3):502, 研磨器grinders;4. 11TBDT1(3):34, 研磨器grinders; 5. 11TBDT1(2):30, 石斧ground stone axe;6. 穿孔砾石 perforated stone (collected on surface);7. 11TBDT1(3):26, 砺石grinding slab; 8. 11TBDT1(3):15, 树皮布石拍bark cloth beater; 9. 11TBDT1(3):1359, 石锤stone hammer; 10. 11TBDT1(2):243, 石锤stone hammer ; 11. 11TBDT1(3):1473, 赤铁矿石hematite。标本号中的(2)表示出土于第2层,(3)表示出土于第3层。下同。
Fig.4 Polished stone tools and hammer stones of the Dingmo site
图5 定模遗址出土的石核 1. 11TBDT1(3):870, 单台面石核single platform cores; 2. 11TBDT1(2):592, 单台面石核single platform cores; 3. 11TBDT1(2):18, 双台面石核double platform cores; 4. 11TBDT1(3):117, 多台面石核multi-platform cores; 5. 11TBDT1(3):342, 双台面石核double platform cores;6. 11TBDT1(2):637, 多台面石核multi-platform cores; 7. 11TBDT1(3):118, 多台面石核multi-platform cores;8. 11TBDT1(3):859, 多台面石核multi-platform cores; 9. 11TBDT1(3):115, 砸击石核bipolar core
Fig.5 Cores of the Dingmo site
图6 定模遗址出土石片、凹缺器、锯齿刃器 1. 11TBDT1(2):220, I型石片type I flake; 2. 11TBDT1(2):236, II型石片type II flake; 3. 11TBDT1(2):54, III型石片type III flake;4. 11TBDT1(3):1229, IV型石片type IV flake; 5. 11TBDT1(2):139, V型石片type V flake; 6. 11TBDT1(3):1280, VI型石片type VI flake;7. 11TBDT1(3):271, 8. 11TBDT1(3):516, 9. 采集 collected on surface, 凹缺器notches; 10. 采集collected on surface,11. 11TBDT1(3):530, 12. 11TBDT1(3):1325, 锯齿刃器denticulates
Fig.6 Flakes, notches, denticulates of the Dingmo site
图7 定模遗址出土的砍砸器 1. 11TBDT1(2):155, 单刃砍砸器single edged choppers; 2. 11TBDT1(3):124, 单刃砍砸器single edged choppers; 3. 11TBDT1(2):196, 双刃砍砸器double edged choppers; 4. 11TBDT1(2):202, 多刃砍砸器multi-edged choppers; 5. 11TBDT1(3):1407, 双刃砍砸器double edged choppers; 6. 11TBDT1(3):281, 多刃砍砸器multi-edged choppers
Fig.7 Choppers of the Dingmo site
图8 定模遗址出土的刮削器 1. 11TBDT1(3):664,单刃刮削器single edged scrapers; 2. 11TBDT1(3):1377, 双刃刮削器double-edged scrapers; 3. 11TBDT1(3):605, 双刃刮削器double-edged scrapers; 4. 11TBDT1(2):204, 单刃刮削器single edged scrapers; 5. 11TBDT1(3):172, 单刃刮削器single edged scrapers
Fig.8 Scrapers of the Dingmo site
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