人类学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (04): 657-667.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0026cstr: 32091.14.j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0026

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  1. 河北公安警察职业学院侦查系,石家庄 050091
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-30 修回日期:2023-11-16 出版日期:2024-08-15 发布日期:2024-08-13
  • 作者简介:李彦雷,警务技术副高级,主要从事刑事科学技术(法庭科学)和现场勘查研究。E-mail: liyanlei803@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Correlation between height and footprint of the adult Han men in Hebei

LI Yanlei()   

  1. Hebei Public Security Police Vocational College, Shijiazhuang 050091
  • Received:2023-07-30 Revised:2023-11-16 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-13


为了研究河北省当代汉族成年男性身高与足迹的相关性,本文采集了205名河北省籍19~51 a成年男性赤足足迹数据并进行统计分析。结果表明:河北省当代汉族成年男性体足比左侧均值为7.336 (6.806~7.848),右侧均值为7.350 (6.755~7.883),明显大于四十多年前统计得出的通用体足比系数6.876或7;左右两足对称性整体表现为左足大于右足,但两者差别并不大;赤足足迹全长与新确定的7个足迹测量特征均与身高显著相关,且第四趾测量值与身高相关系数最高(左侧0.758,右侧0.769);得出的一元线性回归方程组计算身高误差范围为-46~48 mm,利用第四趾测量值计算误差最小(-28~22 mm)。研究结果提示河北省当代汉族男性人群体足比随着时代的变迁而增大,已超过7.33,整体呈现“大个小脚”的变化趋势。

关键词: 河北省, 当代人群, 汉族, 足迹全长, 个体特征


Footprint itself has will ‘leave a trace’ characteristics, and has the incomparable superiority than other trace evidences when used to estimate individual characteristics such as stature. Traditionally, forensic scientists use the stature-footprint length ratio (h/L) to calculate stature through footprint. The h/L (6.876 or 7) now we are using today was developed more than 40 years ago, but populations are dynamic, which means stature estimation standards should be constantly revised, thus ensuring the most accurate estimations are made. Research has shown that h/L has changed. Past statistical studies showed that h/L are greatly influenced by regional, national. However, h/L have not been seen studied in north China, especially in Hebei province in recent years. Therefore, this study focuses on the modern Han adults in Hebei province, establish the correlation between footprint and stature through footprints collecting, measuring and data analyzing, then build regression equation models of stature to estimate the contemporary Han adult male population in Hebei Province accurately and to compare the contribution degree of multiple footprint measurements, give recommendations on the order of the measurements, in order to solve problems more effectively. The sample comprises 205 Han male adults in Hebei province (age 19~51). A stature measurement was collected, and ten linear measurements were then extracted from bilateral footprints. Prior to data collection, a precision test was conducted to determine the repeatability of linear measurement acquisition. What’s more, the environmental factors such as temperature and time were controlled throughout the study. Results show: 1) The mean value h/L of left is 7.336 (6.806~7.848), the right side 7.350 (from 6.755~7.883), both left and right h/L are bigger than 7.33, is greater than the current ratio which is obviously not suitable for people of Hebei province today. 2) The bilateral difference of footprint measurements is significant, and the overall performance for the left foot is greater than the right foot, but less than 2 mm. 3) The length from forth toe to the pternion (D4) show significantly correlation with stature, and has the highest correlation coefficient (left side 0.758, right side 0.769). It was the most accurate single variable in the simple linear regressions to calculate stature with associated error rates of -28 mm to 22 mm. It is concluded that h/L based on noncontemporary individuals which we are using today is not suitable for modern populations, and the D4 measurement is recommended for stature calculation first.

Key words: Hebei province, Contemporary people, Han, Footprint Length, Stature
