人类学学报 ›› 2008, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (04): 295-303.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2008-12-15 发布日期:2008-12-15

Preliminary comments on the paleoenvironment of the Shuidonggou locality 12

LIU Decheng, CHEN Fuyou, ZHANG Xiaoling, PEI Shuwen, GAO Xing, XIA Zhengkai   

  • Online:2008-12-15 Published:2008-12-15

摘要: 水洞沟遗址12号地点(SDG12)是一处以细石叶技术为主的旧石器时代末期文化,其文化层埋藏于边沟河Ⅱ级阶地中上部。地层时代从距今4.7万年至1.1万年左右,文化层时代为距今约1.1万年,处于更新世与全新世的过渡时期,略经流水改造,为原地埋藏。孢粉组合特征显示在整个地层发育期内该地区是以麻黄属+藜科+霸王属+蒿属+禾本科组合为主的植被类型,为气候比较干旱-半干旱荒漠草原植被景观。在SDG12地点文化层堆积时期,气候相对暖湿,附近尚生长着沼生植物和榆、栎、桦等温带落叶阔叶乔木,为稀树荒漠草原环境。SDG12地点的古人类活动及古环境特征的分析对了解水洞沟文化的发展与传承有着重要的意义,同时也为中国北方细石叶文化研究提供了确切的地层和材料。

关键词: 水洞沟12号地点;灰烬层;细石叶;古环境;地层划分

Abstract: The Shuidonggou Locality 12 (SDG12) was an Upper Paleolithic culture dominated by microblade technology. The cultural layer embedded in the middle2upper part of the floodplain stratum belonged to the second terrace ( T2) of the Biangou River , and chronological data shows that this stratum deposit dates between 47ka211ka BP, which belonged to the upper Late Pleistocene. The cultural layer , reformed slightly by flow and belonged to a sedentary deposit, dates about 11 ka BP (close to the interface of the Pleistocene and Holocene). Pollen from the site showed vegetation composed mainly of Ephedra, Compositae, Zygophyllum, Artemisia and Gramineae indicative of an arid to semi-arid climate. Vegetative cover was of a dry steppe landscape, and the climate was relatively warm and humid during the SDG12 cultural layer formation. There were swamp-growth plants, and temperate zone broadleaf and hardwood trees such as Betula, Quercus and Ulmus. Understanding human activity in the context of certain paleoenvironments at the SDG12 site will clarify the development of the Shuidonggou culture, especially with regards to the study of the North China microblade culture.

Key words: Shuidonggou; Locality 12; Ash layer; Microblade; Paleoenvironment; Stratum