人类学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (01): 33-43.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇


裴树文; 马宁; 李潇丽   

  • 出版日期:2010-03-15 发布日期:2010-03-15

A report on the discovery of some Paleolithic localities on the eastern part of Nihewan Basin in 2007

PEI Shu-wen; MA Ning; LI Xiao-li   

  • Online:2010-03-15 Published:2010-03-15

摘要: 泥河湾盆地东端的岑家湾台地西北缘是盆地内旧石器地点分布最为集中的地段。2007年春夏, 笔者在该地区方圆5km2的范围内进行了为期3个月的旧石器考古调查, 在许家坡至水草湾、麻地沟以及官厅村至钱家沙洼等处发现16处旧石器地点, 获得石制品68件, 动物碎骨47件。石制品个体较小, 属于华北小石器工业传统。从地层发育和对比判断,麻地沟一带地点大致与东谷坨文化层同期, 官厅村西南地点则与后沟文化期相当。其中庙梁沟、沙梁、麻地沟E2和E3地点具备进一步发掘前景。此次调查丰富了泥河湾盆地东端早期人类活动的信息,对探讨古人类在泥河湾盆地的生存方式和技术交流具有重要意义。

关键词: 旧石器; 调查; 麻地沟; 岑家湾台地; 泥河湾盆地

Abstract: The Nihewan Basin is located in the adjacent zone between northwestern Hebei and northeastern Shanxi provinces. The northwestern margin of the Cenjiawan platform, which preserves the profiles of the Nihewan Bed in good condition, is the most densely populated area with early Paleolithic localities in the basin. During the spring and summer of 2007, the authors conducted a three-month survey in the northwestern margin of the Cenjiawan platform. Some 16 Paleolithic localities were discovered in Xujiapo-Shuicaowan, Madigou and southwestern Guanting, with 15 buried in the Nihewan Bed and 1 identified from the terrace of Huliu River. In addition, 68 lithic artifacts and 47 mammalian fossil fragments were collected from these localities. Lithic raw materials were collected from bedrock outcrops, and most artifacts were small in size. Hard hammer percussion was the flaking technique, and flakes were the predominant category among artifact classes. Scrapers were crudely modified on flakes by hard hammer percussion. It can be inferred from the characteristics of the lithic artifacts that the lithic technology exhibits close ties with the small lithic tool tradition in North China. Judging from the stratigraphic comparison among the Paleolithic localities in adjacent areas in the Cenjiawan platform, the localities in the Nihewan Bed can be attributed to the Early Pleistocene, while the Xiaoshuiliang localities that are buried in the 3rd terrace of the Huliu River may belong to the Late Pleistocene. Among the 16 localities, the Shaliang, Miaolianggou, Madigou E2 and E3 localities are worthy of further excavation. These new discoveries support the idea that the Nihewan Basin is the key region of early human dispersal, occupation in North China, which will provide valuable clues for tracing the migration and adaptation of early humans.

Key words: Stone artifacts; Survey; Madigou; Cenjiawan platform; Nihewan Basin