人类学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (03): 411-426.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0038cstr: 32091.14.j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0038
陆莹 (1997- ),女,江苏无锡人,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院硕士研究生,主要从事自然地理、考古遗址的地层与释光测年研究。E-mail: 基金资助:
LU Ying1(), SUN Xuefeng1(
), WANG Shejiang2,3, LU Huayu1
SUN Xuefeng
陆莹, 孙雪峰, 王社江, 鹿化煜. 早、中更新世中国古人类年代序列与区域演化特征[J]. 人类学学报, 2021, 40(03): 411-426.
LU Ying, SUN Xuefeng, WANG Shejiang, LU Huayu. Chronology of lithic artifact sites and hominin distribution from Early to Middle Pleistocene in China[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2021, 40(03): 411-426.
图1 本文涉及的我国早、中更新世遗址的时空分布 1.人字洞(Renzidong);2.陈山(Chenshan);3.洋山(Yangshan);4.巢县(Chaoxian);5.和县(Hexian); 6.华龙洞(Hualong Cave);7.毛竹山(Maozhushan);8.周口店第1地点(Zhoukoudian Locality 1);9.灵峰洞(Lingfeng Cave);10.扬上(Yangshang);11.蟠龙洞(Panlong Cave);12.峒中岩(Dongzhongyan); 13.马坝人(Maba);14.么会洞(Mohui Cave);15.百谷(Baigu); 16.枫树岛(Fengshudao);17.杨屋(Yangwu);18.南半山/大梅(Nanbanshan/Damei);19.六怀山(Liuhuaishan); 20.百峰(Baifeng);21.高岭坡(Gaolingpo);22.百渡(Baidu);23.盘县大洞(Panxian Dadong);24.岩灰洞(Yanhui Cave);25.硝灰洞(Xiaohui Cave);26.观音洞(Guanyin Cave);27.山神庙嘴(Shanshenmiaozui);28.霍家地(Huojiadi);29.东谷坨(Donggutuo);30.岑家湾(Cenjiawan);31.飞粱(Feiliang);32.麻地沟E6,E7(Madigou E6, E7);33.麻地沟E5(Madigou E5);34.半山遗址(Banshan Site);35.小长梁(Xiaochangliang);36.葡萄园(Putaoyuan);37.马圈沟(包含3个文化层)(Majuangou, including 3 cultural layers);38.大长梁/仙台遗址(Dachangliang/Xiantai);39.南山边(Nanshanbian);40.上沙嘴(Shangshazui);41.兰坡(Lanpo);42.石沟B地点(Shigou B);43.马梁(Maliang);44.皮裤裆(Pikudang);45.后沟(Hougou);46.雀儿沟(Queergou);47.东坡(Dongpo);48.摩天岭(Motianling);49.珠窝堡(Zhuwobao);50.水沟-会兴沟(Shuigou -Huixinggou);51.乔家窑(Qiaojiayao); 52.豫灵人(Yuling);53.北窑(Beiyao);54.交界洞(Jiaojie Cave);54.郧县人(Yunxian);56.双树(Shuangshu);57.刘湾(Liuwan);58.白龙洞(Bailongdong);59.上白川(Shangbaichuan);60.罗家村(Luojiacun);61.吴家沟(Wujiagou);62.酒厂(Jiuchang);63.吉家湾(Jijiawan);64.钟家湾龙洞(Zhongjiawan Longdong);65.石龙头(Shilongtou);66.和尚墩(Heshangdun);67.南京人(Nanjing Man);68.放牛山(Fangniushan);69.莲花洞(Lianhua Cave);70.庙后山(Miaohoushan);71.金牛山A地点(Jinniushan A);72.大窑四道沟(Dayao Sidaogou);73.沂源人(Yiyuan Man);74.西侯度(Xihoudu);75.丁村(Dingcun);76.上陈(Shangchen);77.龙岗寺第1-4地点(Longgangsi Locality 1-4));78.公王岭(Gongwangling);79.陈家窝(Chenjiawo);80.大荔人(Dali Man);81.龙牙洞(Longyadong);82.窑厂湾(Yaochangwan);83.鱼家山(Yujiashan);84.周坡(Zhoupo);85.吴台村(Wutaicun);86.罗家村(Luojiacun);87.彭家河(Pengjiahe);88.元谋人(Yuanmou Man);89.张口洞(Zhangkou Cave);90.七里亭(Qiliting);91.龙骨坡(Longgupo);92.玉米洞(Yumi Cave);93.冉家路口(Ranjialukou);94.兴隆洞(Xinglong Cave);95.白石崖洞(Baishiya Cave)
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