收稿日期: 2021-05-11
修回日期: 2021-11-17
网络出版日期: 2021-11-17
The northern dispersal route: New evidence of Upper Paleolithic human behavior from the Tsagaan Turuut River Valley, central Mongolia
Received date: 2021-05-11
Revised date: 2021-11-17
Online published: 2021-11-17
蒙古国位于中国北方和俄罗斯西伯利亚高原之间,这一独特地理位置促使它成为了自更新世以来的区域文化的联系走廊。蒙古国西南部的巴彦洪格尔省察干阿贵和奇肯阿贵旧石器时代晚期遗址的考古研究表明,蒙古国旧石器时代早期可追溯到距今3.3~2.7万年前。本文对巴彦洪格尔省北部Galuut区Tsagaan Turuut河谷6处旧石器时代遗址与遗迹进行了考古分析。结果显示,这些遗址的剥片技术主要基于盘状石核和棱柱状石叶石核,新发现的这些遗址极大地扩展了我们对蒙古国中部以及更大的中亚地区史前史的了解。对这6处遗址的石制品组合分析表明,这些遗址从旧石器时代早期到晚期具有文化的连续性,同时我们还发现了一些尖状器与大型两面器。Tsagaan-Baast谷地中从石器样本层位下出土的骨样本的14C测年结果显示,其年代不晚于距今43500 年前。
Tsedendorj BOLORBAT , Dashzeveg BAZARGUR , Guunii LKHUNDEV , Batsuuri ANKHBAYAR , Adyasuren ALTANBAGANA , Tsend AMGALANTUGS , Gonchig BATBOLD , 曹建恩 , 宋国栋 , 曹鹏 , 财喜 . 蒙古国中部察干图鲁特河谷发现的旧石器时代晚期人类北部扩散路线的新证据[J]. 人类学学报, 2023 , 42(04) : 488 -502 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2022.0007
Mongolia’s unique geographical location between northern China and the Siberian Plateau of Russia has facilitated its role as a corridor of regional cultural connection since the Pleistocene. It is evident that the Early Upper Paleolithic of Mongolia dates to 33-27 kaBP from the archaeological studies of those Upper Paleolithic sites at Tsagaan Agui and Chikhen Agui in Bayankhongor Province (Southwest Mongolia). Here, we present the results of archaeological analysis of Paleolithic remains from the six sites in the Tsagaan Turuut River Valley located in Galuut district, northern Bayankhongor Province. These newly discovered sites significantly expand our knowledge of the prehistory of central Mongolia and most of Central Asian region. The knapping technology at these sites is based on radial cores and unidirectional prismatic cores. By analyzing the lithic artifacts from these six sites, we believe that these cultures have continuity from early to late stages of the Early Upper Paleolithic. Special tools such as points and large bifaces were recovered. The 14C dating results of a bone sample from the lower layer of a test pit indicate that the Tsagaan Baast Valley sites are no later than 43500 BP cal (β-TSTC1).
Key words: Mongolia; Upper Paleolithic; Lithic industry; Blade core
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