收稿日期: 2023-06-09
修回日期: 2024-02-01
网络出版日期: 2024-06-04
A discussion on the origin, dichotomous pattern of microblade technology and the environmental drivers
Received date: 2023-06-09
Revised date: 2024-02-01
Online published: 2024-06-04
仪明洁 , 曹彧 . 细石叶技术的起源、二元分化及环境驱动因素[J]. 人类学学报, 2024 , 43(03) : 355 -366 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0038
During the Upper Paleolithic age, the anatomically modern human survived the extreme climatic conditions including the Heinrich event and the Last Glacial Maximum, and colonized all the continents except Antarctica, which displayed strong adaptability. In Northeast Asia, microblade technology emerged as a pivotal factor in human adaptation to climate and environment during the Upper Paleolithic period. Microblade technology has garnered widespread attention and sparked a considerable amount of discussion and debates. Among the academic research on microblade technology, its origins, technological changes, and regional distribution of different technology types are the most critical issues. The development of microblade technology can be divided into three stages: initial, developed and simple. Diverse interpretations of the concept and essence of microblade technology led to varied perspectives regarding its origins. If pressure flaking is a fundamental element of microblade technology, it may result in the potential omission of early-stage products because practically it is impossible to accurately identify each pressure product. In contrast, the utilization of pressure flaking is a crucial factor in the developed stage of microblade technology. Although the standardizations of microblades of different stages are not the same, their features of microlithization determine that their function and use, possibly in composite tools, are similar. Consequently, to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of microblade technology and its evolutionary trajectory, the research of microblade technology should focus on the form of microcores and microblades, the technology process, the usage of microblades and the analysis of reduction strategies. The microblade technology showed a distinct dichotomous pattern during the last glacial maximum (LGM). While bifacially prepared wedge-shaped cores were prevalent in the “northern area” mainly formed by northeastern China, the Russian Far East and northern Japan, boat-shaped cores dominated North China. After the LGM, the improvement of climatic conditions led to the cultural integration between the two regions, but distinct traditions still existed, i.e., narrow wedge-shaped microcores continued dominating the “northern area” and wide ones remained popular in North China. The origin, development and division of microblade technology show significant correlations with cold events such as H3, H2 and LGM, indicating that climatic and environmental factors played critical roles in the change of adaptive strategies of prehistoric humans. The varying distribution patterns of microblade technology in different regions highlight the influence of local environmental conditions and cultural interactions on technological innovation. The persistence of distinct traditions even after cultural integration underscores the enduring impact of historical and geographical factors on the development and transmission of microblade technology.
Key words: microblade; origin; boat-shaped core; wedge-shaped core; environmental drivers
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